Thursday, 31 October 2013

Kenya travelling on a slippery path of gagging the media

Historically the mention of the words ‘Kenyan MPs’ seems to elicit something of negative bias.  Though it can be said that they have made a huge contribution to the democratization and development of our nation, their sins are of equal measure. 

To just mention a few, they ashamedly without blinking of an eye award themselves heft allowances in a country with a very low GDP compared to many states. Their appalling attitude to wealth and its distribution fails my imagination. 

Forming a very minimal percentage of our population they sit on a class of society that enjoy security whether socially, politically or economically that many would kill to have. Their position of leadership is so elevated that it becomes the ultimate dream for many aspiring to make it in life.  

Every time we make a move forward as a nation these leaders seems to take us two or more steps backwards.  We cannot keep silent. Kenya cannot continue to blame other nations for her problems as true as that could be. We must take charge of our destiny if the 2030 dreams are to be achieved. 

We hate when we hear others call us corrupt, disorganised or untrustworthy. How can we defend against such claims if all people see and hear is misappropriation and embezzlement of public funds by people trusted by the nation to do manage their wealth.

Kenyan media has made a huge step in playing a key role of highlighting and informing the nation about issues that concerns us.   Corrupt officers are now publicly ashamed and declared; people are now more informed on issues concerning different enterprises be it those working in product or service industries. 

It is worth noting that though the media has made these huge steps there still remain a lot to be done. Poor journalism and reporting occurs daily and every government in the world makes sure that their media behaves appropriately. 

However, what our MPs have done this week cannot go unreported. They have set themselves to police and judge the media. Literally this means that you do not want as a journalist to be on their wrong side. Kenyans we must stand firm and condemn those who seem to be taking us backwards and MPs features top on the list!

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