I wonder whether this would be a necessary question to ask
on the fourth day of Christmas. Probably I should be keeping myself busy with four
dill pickles, three chocolate shakes, two apple pies and a one big fatty
cheeseburger! To make matters worse I am not just asking the question but also
trying to answer it while holding the blasphemous works of Richard Dawkins in
the background. Well, what other time
would deem more appropriate for me to scrutinise his works which is full of
profanity than now when we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ.
Richard Dawkins a renowned atheist in his book God Delusion
argues that religion is to the most evil thing that has ever happened to
mankind. In one of his many stories he
tells of himself being in Ireland and while addressing Catholic child abuse
scandal he says and I quote…...”horrible as sexual abuse no doubt was, the
damage was arguably less than the long term psychological damage inflicted by
bringing up the child catholic in the first place.” According to him bringing
up children in any form of religion is the worst child abuse ever! Though very
coherent in his arguments, his works do not move me even an inch but what led
me to read his works was some very interesting statements made by his fellow
atheist and countryman, Matthew Parris.
I wonder whether Matthew Parris, a journalist and former conservative
politician knows something that Richard Dawkins does not. Having
spent most if not all his formative life outside Britain and a huge proportion
being Global South like South Africa, Harare, Swaziland and Kingston further
thoughts pushes me to ask more questions. Whether according to him does being
atheist have anything to do with location?
Richard Dawkins while
arguing that religion is the most evil thing to have happened offers a remedy—science—which
according to him is the answers to our suffering. Matthew Parris after his
experience in Africa write to The Times 2008 taking a radical shift on this with
very profound words unlikely to come from atheist quarters………“Now a confirmed
atheist, I’ve become convinced of the enormous contribution that Christian
evangelism makes in Africa: sharply distinct from the work of secular NGOs,
government projects and international aid efforts,” ….“These alone will not do.
Education and training alone will not do.” He does not stop there but continues
with unbelievable statements , “In
Africa, Christianity changes people’s hearts. It brings a spiritual
transformation. The rebirth is real. The change is good.”
Some weeks ago, preceding Christmas I received a quarterly
newsletter from iServe Africa communication desk, a young Christian
organisation spearheaded by Africans for African people. With an intention of
raising and inspiring young Africans to take up leadership role whether in
Churches or in the corporate world, iServe Africa focuses on young graduates
from colleges as they take a gap year after graduation. I have read their newsletter sent to me over
and over and am definitely sure it is going to pop up on my reading list again
One of the stories that capture my heart is from one young fresh
graduate, Hilda Polle turned apprentice serving among children. The following extracts from her own
reflections are just but fabulous ……….
”Just before I graduated from
Kenyatta University(Nairobi) in June
this year, I already had my life figured out; I knew where and when and how my
life would be. ... Next in mind was how I would spend the fat salary that would
soon be coming my way. …….. My list of priorities were all about me and getting
the best out of life. Just like any other young fresh graduate, I was ready to
get into the rat race of getting everything I could at the slightest
opportunity available…... I finally found myself making up my mind to join
ministry and serve the Lord for a year. …….One of my biggest concerns in
service has been to be faithful, even so when it comes to gospel ministry. This
is one of those things that attracted me to iServe Africa, their focus on
faithful-ness. ……It saddens me to see on television the many people being
deceived by prosperity preachers and self seeking men and women in the name of
God. This makes me want to play my part in serving faithfully.” Hilda sums up
her reflections with a wonderful tone. “I
am learning as well to completely trust the Lord in everything and for
everything. This far He is Ebenezer.”
Like Matthew Parris, I am convinced without an iota of doubt
that Christianity and especially Christian mission in Africa is the solution to
African problems and more so the tremendous efforts witnessed from groups like
iServe Africa in reshaping the concept of leadership in our continent.
I will have Richard Dawkins, an imperialist and rationalist
know that these wonderful stories and others that are mushrooming from every
part of the continent would form a credible datasheet in his science lab that could INDEED change his radical views into acknowledging that CHRISTIANITY IS THE ONLY
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